
This is a blog for the 3D-lab at the Royal Institute of Art in Stockholm. Here you can find previous and new examples of different ways of working in the 3D Lab at KKH.

About the 3D-lab

The 3D lab at the Royal Institute of Art offers the opportunity to work with various digital technologies that are under rapid development. Most technologies at the 3D lab are based on digital three-dimensional objects created by using 3D modeling software or 3D scanning techniques. A 3D model can be 3D printed, milled in large format, textured, used for virtual reality, augmented reality, animated for games, film, real-time visualization and much more.

The work done in the 3D lab often involves collaborations with other study areas at KKH and with partners from other faculties and companies. One example is ‘re:motion’, see below.

Development of new technology

The 3D lab is developing a Wax-3D-printer that will give students and artists the prerequisites for new expressions and improved working methods for glass and bronze. Involved in this development are Erik Cederberg, CEO of Cederb AB, is the founder of Stockholm Makerspace, Ulrika Rosengren Gustafsson, Glass departmen KKH, Esther Ericsson 3D Lab KKH, Anneli Scheutz Bronze department KKH.
Read more about this here! (in Swedish)


The 3D lab offers courses and tutoring in 3D scanning, 3D printing, 3D milling, 3D modeling, VR / AR, game engines, 3D animation and more.


Students who are interested in experimenting with Internet related media, interactive systems and 3D technologies have access to advanced equipment and professional softwares for 2D and 3D such as web, image processing, modeling, animation, 3d printing. Through a collaboration between the different study areas, an interdisciplinary platform for artistic practice has been created, ‘re:motion’.

Teaching Staff

Esther Ericsson, Head of 3D lab, Lecturer in Fine Art with specialization in 3D techniques
Martin Christenssen, teaching in 3D techniques


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